I am getting prepared, working down my To-Do-List. Today I was able to take off some points, still adding on a daily basis new ones, as I continue to search for more information on the best ways to travel.
It´s all by coincidence, which I still experience to be the best way of living in this very moment. It´s harder to practise while I am in the city, and easier while I am "in the wild". What happened today and why this, my friends? I am in my second life, which means new beginnings and lots of change. This blog is part of it, me lying on my bed in my childhood room, typing on my Apple notebook (one of the greatest investments in my first life). So, this is me entering the New World of Social Networking that others have been using since many years. The world seems to get closer, everyone reachable from the farest place on earth. I am anxious of the length of time that I will stay away from my family, friends and home. My true hope is to shorten the distance between those that are close to my heart by writing here. About what I will see, feel and carry with me from the places that I will visit. So first step completed: the new World of Social Networking has been entered!