
Leaving Australia (Feb 18 2011)

It's been quite some time ago that I last wrote here. Access to Internet is very expensive in Australia, and I allow myself to say that they really take advantage of travellers that don't carry with them their own computers. Well, but I didn't want to tell you this primarily! I am just back from my evening walk down at the Circular Quay in Sydney, and it is my last night here in Australia. I wanted to leave a trace about this, as it marks a first section of this trip: Australia. I'd love to show you what is happening out there in the harbour: the moon is full, bright and lightening up the harbourfront, and most of all the Opera! I put a majuscule, as I feel really that she is a lady and should be treated as such. She is a majesty, particularly in the moonlight, and I am happy that this image of her in the moonlight sets the final point on my stay in Australia. I leave enriched with a bucket full of memories of a beautiful country that surprised me in many ways. It was different than expected, and during the almost 3 months that I stayed I became a fan of  the relaxed way of living, of dealing with unexpected events (like natrual desasters!). I don't want to reduce the country to this, as there is much more into it that I was fortunate to experience, and for sure more to still discover. Now I am curious about New Zealand, looking forward to the nature and wildlife there (as I am a bit tired of the city life). I hope that Internet access will be less expensive there so that I can share more of my adventures with you! I am thinking a lot about all of you, and now and then I would love to be home to just have a cup of coffee with you and to talk face to face! I met lots of people, and by now means I am lonely, but home is a different thing, and friends not repleacable! All my love, I will touch base again in New Zealand!